Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election - What Next?

I never thought the election would wind up this way, but we did witness history last night. Barack Obama is now our president-elect, and John McCain had to concede graciously after a hard fought race for the presidency. I wholeheartedly voted for McCain. Was I disappointed last night? You better believe I was. However, from that point forward we have to move on in this process.

We learn from Romans chapter thirteen that God established the authorities. He does not hand pick every person for those positions, for we have seen leaders from all around the world do bad things at times. Rather it is the office that God has established. Therefore, even though I disagree with president-elect Obama on several moral and political issues, I will back him and respect the position. Let us pray that the upcoming appointments for his administration will be those who will seek to uphold standards of God's Word and keep America as one nation under God.

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