Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oprah's Ignorance

As it has been shown in the past, Oprah Winfrey showed her ignorance last night prior to Obama's acceptance speech. She had already said there couldn't be just one way to Heaven, as Jesus had stated roughly 2,000 years ago. Last night, she was speaking of her feeling that she needed to publicly endorse Barack Obama for president. She tried to recall what the Bible said about gaining the whole world only to lose one's soul. She felt that if she didn't endorse him then she would have lost a part of her soul in the process.

When Jesus said "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?," (Mk. 8:36) He was contrasting the rewards of this life versus eternity. In other words, you could gain everything this world has to offer, but it won't matter in the end if you don't have Christ as your Savior. It kills me to think that someone like Oprah can take this verse so much out of context. Don't get me wrong; I don't have anything against Oprah as a person. She's done a lot of good things with her money over the years. However, you can be a relatively "good person" in life and still not have a relationship with Jesus.

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