Friday, December 11, 2009

Cooped up this week

Sorry for the delay on the sermon post, but I've been cooped up in the house since Tuesday. I add all of this from the office, so I was late putting this on the blog. The sermon from Sunday night was about correcting others. Looking through the Bible, we not only have the right to correct others, but the responsibility as well. I make mention in the sermon that it must be done in the right way.
I hope you'll give it a listen and tell me what you think about it. As usual, I welcome any feedback. Remember, Christmas is right around the corner, and I would hate to have to take out Rudolph if I haven't bagged a deer by then! Ha ha!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Role Confusion

Imagine the following scenario. You walk into a house where you see a family of four. Mom is on the couch playing video games; Dad is out back playing in the dirt; Sister is at the table balancing the checkbook; Brother is in the kitchen cooking dinner. The roles in this particular house are mixed up, aren't they? These individuals would be suffering from role confusion. I know this is a made-up scenario, but did you know things like this can happen in the church?

I've posted my latest sermon, The Structure of the Church, where I discuss specifically the roles of elders, deacons and preachers. Give it a listen if you get a chance. I think you might agree that role confusion in the church is more prevalent than many people think. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.