Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hot Hunt in November

When you think about going hunting in November, you don't think about it being in the 70's even as the daylight starts to fade. There I was in my treestand yesterday evening sweating from the heat. All I had on were some camoflauge clothes over my dress clothes. Up until about fifteen minutes before dark, I was saying to myself that I shouldn't have even gone hunting.

I was hearing white oak acorns dropping all over the forest floor. It was really hard to hear between that and the highway traffic behind me (I can see the vehicles driving by on highway 7). I did manage to catch a glimpse of a little spike buck foraging on acorns. There is some buck sign in the general vicinity of my stand, but after seeing him I was sure hoping that he didn't make it!

Was I glad I went? You bet! Even though it was hot, you just know there won't be very many more of those days ahead. It's worth it just to be out there among God's creation.

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