Monday, January 24, 2011

Lost and Found

Here are some excerpts from last night's sermon on Zaccheus:
He didn't let an obstacle become a debacle!
Whether it was sheer curiosity or intense desire, he climbed a sycamore tree to lift him higher!
Just like Zaccheus, many people need to rush to get to Jesus.
Many people react negatively when accused of things (hence the recent Derek Anderson accusation when he was caught laughing on the sidelines during a football game the Cardinals were losing badly and he rebuked the reporter for questioning his professionalism), but Zaccheus actually saw the need for repentance.

For all of my preaching friends, here is my basic outline from last night:
Lost and Found - Luke 19:1-10.
Zaccheus rushed for investigation (1-4)
Zaccheus responded without hesitation (5-6)
Zaccheus repented for salvation (7-10)

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