Friday, September 11, 2009

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

I thoroughly enjoyed preaching the series on proving the inspiration of the Bible several weeks ago, but I want to make sure I give credit where credit is due. There are two main sources where I compiled information given in my sermons: Kyle Butt and Wayne Jackson. Kyle is the director of biblical research for Apologetics Press in Montgomery, Alabama, who so happens to be my first cousin. He really inspired me to present this series of lessons on the inspiration of Scripture. Wayne Jackson developed the Christian Courier, another great resource for the church, and he also preaches in Stockton, California. Wayne's material on Babylon is found in chapter eight of Kyle's book, Behold the Word of God, and material from the other sermons on proving inspiration are found there as well.

Both of these men have made significant contributions to the defense of New Testament christianity, and I pray that they will continue to labor for the Lord as long as possible. I am grateful that men like this have provided this kind of information, for they have worked long and hard to compile such facts for their writing. Though I might not have mentioned all of this in my sermons, I felt like this was a proper and sufficient way to give them the credit for my sermon inspiration. I pray that other preachers will take advantage of such sources like Apologetics Press and the Christian Courier for the benefit of their hearers. May the Lord continue to bless the efforts of all of you who labor for His kingdom.

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