Monday, April 12, 2010

What Will Happen to Me in Return?

Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if you didn't comply with the census bureau by sending in your completed 2010 census? I have recently discovered that they will come to your house to ask you questions. Later, if you are still found as non-compliant, they can flag you and eventually charge you with jail time! Just as there are things which can happen to us in return in life, the same is true from a spiritual perspective. Jesus addresses some of these things in Matthew 7:1-12.

Be constrained in judgment (1-6)
Have you ever seen a bird dog in action? When they find that covey of quail they stop in their tracks, pointing out to the hunters where the birds are. Unfortunately, there are people like this religiously. They are constantly pointing out the faults of other people.

Jesus tells us to be constrained in our judgment of others. In regard to faultfinding, there are some principles to remember. Judging is not wrong (James 5:19-20; Gal. 6:1-2), but hypocritical judgment is wrong. Jesus says we need to perform some corrective surgery before we attempt to help someone else. These people have obvious sins in their life that will hinder the correction of others. Their sins are as plain as the nose on their face. It reminds me of Pinnochio when he was telling lies, and the Blue Fairy said "a lie keeps growing and growing until it is plain as the nose on your face." We need to do a self-examination before we pronounce others' condemnation. The judgment we use on others will be given back to us in the same measure on judgment day.

In regard to judging people as worthy candidates of the gospel, we need not to waste our time. Their are certain people in the world who don't appreciate the holy message of God. It seems these are the kinds of people the Lord was describing when He talked about the dogs and the swine. Don't force the gospel on those who don't want to hear it. This is a kind of judgment we need to make.

Jesus also tells us to be confident in prayer (7-11). Remember the Sure deoderant commercials? The people who didn't use Sure couldn't hold their hands very high. We don't need to be like this when we pray. Jesus employs words of action (ask, seek, knock). If we are confident in prayer, we will approach God with our petitions. However, Jesus does not tell us we'll receive everything for which we ask. He emphasizes needs to be met, hence the part about food. James 4:3 tells us that we don't receive certain things from our prayers because we ask with the wrong motives, for our own pleasures. If we are confident in prayer, the Lord will reward us.

Jesus tells us to be considerate of others (12). Some people don't get the golden rule. In an old episode of the Honeymooners, Ralph and Norton were having a conversation about Norton grabbing the bigger of two baked potatoes. Norton didn't ask Ralph which one he wanted, and Ralph got upset about it. Norton asked Ralph which potato would he haven taken, and Ralph replied the smaller one. Norton asked Ralph why he was complaining because he got the one he wanted. Jesus wants us to treat others the way we want to be treated. Parallel passages addressing loving our neighbor as ourself confirm the necessity of this in Mk. 12:28-31 and Gal. 5:14. If we want to be treated a certain way, make sure we treat others that way.

Before we act a certain way, we need to remember what will happen in return!

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