Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lightning Fast

Last night during the big storm I was relaxing in one of our chairs in the den watching television. Everything seemed fine until a quick flash of lightning sent a piercing crack through the air, as the lightning probably struck a tree in the woods. I had no warning it, and being so sudden it made me jump as I was unsettled by it.

We can get that visual in our heads as we’ve all experienced something like that because of our run-ins with bad weather in Middle Tennessee. Knowing that, I think we can all understand what Jesus means when he says that His coming will be as fast as a flash lightning (Mt. 24:27). We are going to have to be ready for His coming, because we won’t have any time to make our lives right once He comes again. As I said Sunday, Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

On the old television show The Dukes of Hazard, Roscoe P. Coletrane had a dog named Flash. The dog was not fast at all; rather he was extremely slow-moving. The coming of Christ will not be like Flash the dog; it will be like an actual flash of lightning. I’ve tried before to take pictures of lightning, unsuccessfully I might add. It’s hard to prepare to snap the picture because you don’t know when it’s coming. It’s hard to be ready for that flash of lightning. When Christ comes, will you be ready?

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