Saturday, June 27, 2015

Unconstitutional Uproar

Let me go on record as saying I love the United States of America. I still believe this is the greatest nation on earth. I can still sing along with Lee Greenwood because I am proud to be an American. I cannot ignore, however, the direction this country is headed. Sometimes we will use the proverbial phrase “hell in a handbasket” as a tongue in cheek way of saying our country is headed for trouble. I believe most of my acquaintances feel the same way. I’ve been sitting back watching to see what other people are saying about the recent developments, and it’s time I go on record.

The recent decision by the Supreme Court, the highest court in our land, to say that the same-sex marriage bans violate the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, is a travesty not only to our maker and creator, God, but also to those who established the laws and regulations of this God-fearing country at its inception. You’ve heard of people rolling over in their grave, and if that was possible I believe that those who had a hand in establishing our independence and our constitution would utterly be ashamed. Lest you forget, our good ole’ US of A was established as a godly nation on godly principles with a constitution that had godly laws in mind. 

The homosexual community has long been after what they consider equality, fairness, justice. What they don’t realize is that they have thwarted the concept of justice. They have absolutely corrupted that concept to make it mean something they want it to mean. To them justice is getting what they want. In actuality, justice is what is right. The justice of God is what demands that sin be punished. Paul deals with this by saying that the public demonstration of Christ on the cross is how God displayed His justice (Rom. 5:25-26).  How in the world have people corrupted this concept to make it mean equality and fairness in the sense of getting what we want as people?

In the book of Habakkuk we see a description of God’s people having forsaken Him, and Habakkuk cries out to God concerning the wickedness he sees. One of those aspects of wickedness is the perversion of justice. Here is what he says: “…the law is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted” (Hab. 1:4). We don’t have to look too far in our world to see the wicked surrounding the righteous. We are labeled as bigots, hateful, unloving and unaccepting of the sinful ways of the homosexual community.

Do you remember when Lot was in Sodom? That is a classic example of how the wicked surrounded the righteous. Lot told them not to act so wickedly, and they responded by saying he was acting like a judge (Gen. 19:7-9). Peter says Lot was “oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men” (2 Pet. 2:7). These men were going after “strange flesh” (Jude 7). Unfortunately our world today has returned to much of the same thought processes that we can reflect on from Lot’s time. People have no regard for what God’s Word says on this matter. As in the case of what happened with the case of Judah so long ago, Isaiah says "they display their sin like Sodom" (Is. 3:9). The media has a field day with the display of this news of an apparent victory by those on the left.

Marriage is being mocked at every turn, as people have been trying hard to redefine what God has defined as marriage. From the beginning it has been that a man would leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife for them to become one flesh (Gen. 2:24; Mt. 19:4-5). Homosexuals have no part in this plan which was ordained and defined by God. Paul goes on to talk about how this sin goes against nature, and how it’s indecent, degrading and improper (Rom. 1:26-27). This is what people do who don’t acknowledge God.

The Gentile world of which Paul was describing did not acknowledge God, did not honor God, did not give Him thanks and exchanged the truth of God for a lie (Rom. 1:18-32). Such, my friends, is the state of our country today. In many ways we are like the ancient Roman Empire who grew so strong, yet some of the same things that are going on with us today caused their downfall: internal corruption, homosexuality, arrogance.

I will guarantee you that God is aware of everything that is going on with us. In chapters two and three of the book of Revelation, Jesus addresses the spiritual condition of the seven churches of Asia Minor as He tells each of them He knows. In John’s Revelation, it is clear that Jesus knew what was going on with them at that present time. We would be fools to think that God is unaware of what is going on with us right now during this moral decline we have seen over the last several years.
So why is God allowing all of this to take place in our world today? It seems as if what happened in the ancient Gentile world that Paul describes in Romans chapter one is what is happening today. God gave them over to their lusts and passions and desires. When we see the direction our country is headed, we understand that is the way they want to go. Does that mean we all feel that way? Absolutely not! However, what are those of us who are opposed to all of this going to do about it? It has been said that evil will triumph when good men do nothing (source of quote highly debated). We as people who believe in God and His Word need to speak up against these ungodly things that are going on in the world.

I’ve been told there is coming a day when we as preachers won’t be allowed legally to preach against sins like this from the pulpit. So be it! The way I see it, as God’s spokesman, I must continue to preach the Word of God. As the apostles said, “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). They also said “we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). The people who are making their stand for these new laws are the vocal minority. They are the ones getting their way because they are being the loudest. It’s time for us to speak up on behalf of God. How can we be surprised these things are happening when we are being quiet? It’s time to echo the sentiments of Earl Pitts when he says “Wake Up, America!”


Unknown said...

Excellently put Jeremy, the majority stand with you but we seem to have lost our voice. It is time we stand(and speak) for what we believe. If we stay quiet(safe) and do not speak against this sin and all sin, we are saying your soul is not worth the trouble. Every soul is worth saving. "Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins." (James 5:19,20)

The Messenger said...

Well said.

Janders said...

Very good Brother Butt!