Don't you just love some of the conversations that kids come up with at times? On the way into school for the past two mornings, my oldest son, Conner has been enlightening me on the death of some of our presidents. Evidently there was a special on the National Geographic Channel this past Sunday that was centered around George Washington. Of course at the end of the program they discussed how he died, and that stuck with Conner. For some reason on the way to school he began to tell me the story of how Abraham Lincoln was shot while watching a "movie" (you've got to remember this is coming from the mind of a kindergartener). It got really interesting to hear about some of the details because in his version of the story John F. Kennedy was there to witness Lincoln's assassination. Some of the stories he comes up with amaze me!
Here I am today reflecting on our text for today as we now read Psalm 127:3-5. Indeed children are a heritage from the Lord. As a child, we look to our parents for guidance to instill in us spiritual values needed for our development. What a blessing it is to know that we continue a heritage as we grow up and establish families of our own. We then switch places to teach our own children about the Lord, and the heritage continues.
Solomon, perhaps the wisest person who ever lived, relays his deep understanding of what a blessing children are in this text. He compares them to arrows in the hands of a warrior. As someone who loves archery hunting, the statement about having a quiver full of children provides very vivid imagery. Having three children of my own, I can see why a multiplicity of children are such a blessing. Even as Solomon states, "the fruit of the womb a reward" (3).
There is an automobile commercial with numerous archers shooting arrows at a car. While the number of arrows shot at the car cannot be counted, it makes me think of the numerous blessings that children remind us of in our lives, as a reward from the Lord. While you may not want as many children as the Dugger family on television, be sure to thank the Lord for those you do have and consider them as arrows in the hands of a warrior. The next time one of your children reveals what's on their mind during a conversation, count your blessings for the heritage from the Lord. Remember that you too at one time had conversations like that with your parents!
Thank you for listening to today's podcast, "Children are a heritage from the Lord." I look forward to being with you again next week. Until then, I hope you have a marvelous day!
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