Monday, May 17, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while, but I wanted to catch everyone up to speed on what was going on with me. Are you ready? Okay, here it comes!

  • Turkey season is finally over, so now it's time to go catch some fish.
  • I have had two very busy weeks, but they have been productively busy. Last Thursday a group from West 7th went to the Brushy community in Hickman county and worked on a house that had been hit hard by the flood. I will write an article about this in the church bulletin sometime soon.
  • Last Friday I played in the golf challenge for the Tennessee Children's Home in Spring Hill, and our team came in second place. There is a story about me kissing a frog, and I think the pictures will show up on Facebook, but I enjoyed posing for the camera.
  • Saturday I worked from 6:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. I pulled weeds, sprayed Roundup, moved boxwood bushes, planted double knockout rose bushes, spread three truck loads of mulch, conducted a funeral, mowed the yard and field, applied Preen to our mulchbed and that about sums up my day. That afternoon at the funeral, I almost pulled the lectern over on top of me. I must have put too much pressure on it with my hands when I was going to sit down, and I could hear gasps from the audience. As I turned around it was coming right toward me, and everybody got a big smile as I returned it to its upright position. That's the first time I've ever had that happen at a funeral, and I've conducted many of them over the last eight and a half years.
  • Today we hosted the 3rd Monday Workshop at West 7th, and we finished up by eating lunch together at Farmers Family Restaurant. Next month we will travel to Hendersonville.

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