I've put up with mosquitoes all my life. Whether it's been fishing trips, bear hunting in Alberta, Canada or goofing off in the backyard, mosquitoes have been a staple in the activities of this southern boy. I've had many bites from these pesky critters, but I have never contracted any of the illnesses sometimes associated with them. I thought I had seen everything you could see when it comes to these bugs in the south. Boy, was I wrong.
The other day I was putting up a ladder stand for deer season when I popped a mosquito. Looking at my hand which showed the remnant of the bug, I was astounded by the size of it; instead of an actual mosquito, it looked more like something from a horror film. After having one fly in my eye, I was ready to get out of there. On the way out, my buddy and I managed to have one of those giant mosquitoes trapped in the truck with us. I took a picture of it before I smashed it with a hat, then (as crazy as this sounds) I took it home with me to get a better picture.
The picture inserted for you shows you how big some of the mosquitoes are in Maury county. I am now questioning whether these are blood-suckers or man-eaters! You be the judge.
Don't remember mosquitos that large in W. Tenn. Don't think I'll be moving to Muary Co.! Even the small ones where I live now in W. Kansas 'bug' me enough.
I went back today to secure my ladder stand for deer season, but thankfully I was not bombarded like I was on Friday. I managed to escape unscathed from "the monster swarm!"
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