Monday, August 17, 2009

The Science of It All

I uploaded the link this morning to my sermon from last night. I was inspired to speak on such a topic after listening to my cousin, Kyle Butt. He squeezed into 90 minutes a wealth of information to prove inspiration of the Bible. Last night we studied the scientific foreknowledge of God's Word. I wished I had more time to discuss it at length, but I managed to speak for approximately 32 minutes.

I encourage you to listen to the sermon, but I highly encourage you to read Kyle's book, Behold the Word of God, which is available as an e-book on Many questions will be answered for you: who is Ignaz Semmelweiz?; what's the big deal about the water of purification?; what's behind the command not to eat certain animals in the old law?; were all of the medical prescriptions by the Egyptians good?

Next Sunday evening, I'm preaching on the proof of the Bible's inspiration by using some material that Wayne Jackson has compiled on the prophecies concerning Babylon. Again, I will post this lesson to my blog the following day. I'm really looking forward to it. One of the great things about preaching is the ability to learn more as you go about teaching others.

I hope you have a great week!


The Victorious place said...

I wondered over here from a link on an art blog. Sounds like a good book to read.
I belive I may wonder over here pariodicaly. Like your writing style and what you have to say.

Jeremy T. Butt said...

Thanks so much for wandering over here! I look forward to hearing some more from you via your comments.