Friday, August 22, 2014

Fire Evacuation

Fire Evacuation
Out in California close to Yosemite National Park there have been evacuations of over 1,500 people because of wildfires approaching their homes ( I can recall many reports over the years where people react differently to approaching wildfires. Some of them refuse to leave their homes, while others value their lives much more than their homes and the contents therein. It is understandable why people want to get out of the way before they are consumed by the flames. When the orders are given to evacuate due to the flames, most people want out of the way of the blaze.

Did you know there is coming a fire that people will not be able to evacuate from? We are told that Hell is a place of fire: its fire never ends (Mt. 25:41), its fire is unquenchable (Mk. 9:43) and this lake of fire is reserved for those whose name is not in the book of life (Rev. 20:15). Once people realize their fiery fate it will be too late to evacuate the agony that awaits them in Hell.

The residents of California who evacuated their homes recognized the urgent action needed to avoid the flames. Unfortunately there are many people today who don’t take the same measures to avoid their collision course with Hell. Now is the time to evacuate your habitation if you are living for the world. Once judgment begins, it will be too late. Have you already put your evacuation plan into action?