I know by now many of you have seen the commercial comparing the Big Hardee and the Big Mac. More meat and less bun is one of their catchy lines to contrast these two burgers. Is it fair to say that advertisers know how to get our attention with television commercials? Curiosity got the best of me one day, and I proceeded to buy the Big Hardee combo. No, I could not resist the picture of that big, juicy burger plopping down and dripping cheese and that special sauce.
Not only do advertisers know what we like, but Satan knows what is appealing to us. From the beginning of temptation until now, he still tempts us with his same arsenal: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life. Check out my sermon link "We Can Overcome Temptation" to hear a fuller discussion on this matter. It may just help you be more aware of the source of your enticement!