I'm not one who blogs everyday, but I hope that my blog entries are pertinent to those who read. On this site you might find articles about the Bible, hunting, fishing, or whatever else crosses my mind.
The Greatest Gifts
What is the greatest Christmas present you've ever received?
Whatever you might consider your greatest Christmas gift ever, we are very aware of the fact that we as Americans are extremely blessed with ample material possessions.
With so many people focused on gifts that we give and receive this holiday season, I wanted us to pause tonight and reflect on some of the greatest gifts we have ever received from our heavenly Father
I want to challenge all of us as we exchange gifts this holiday season to remember what James said in 1:17: "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow"
Among some of the greatest gifts ever:
With all of these gifts, there are some responsibilities:
Is Christmas not a time of giving and receiving?
If you have received, then freely give the knowledge of these things to others so they can be blessed